Two posts in one day! I know..Wow! That’s because i have some extra time on my hands.
Life as a newly thirteen year old is interesting, because as my brother says, I am half adult, half kid; A hybrid of sorts. While nothing seemingly changes once you are a teenager, everything changes. From the way I think about myself, to what i want to do in life, and how soon i have to make plans for the future, whether i am 1 minute ahead or a whole four years. Life feels like it is planned out from this point on. Highschool, 2 years later and then I have to think of college, and I have to enter college with a plan for a career. SO…. as I plan for the future 8 years of my life in which i will be studying endlessly. I feel scared. Scared about all the futre tests I will have to take…and pass. All the people i have to please, the credits I need to graduate. I am scared. But what would my life be like if I didn’t have that experience. Boring. Once sent into the real world- not protected by my parents, my gate, my bedroom doors, will i quiver at the sight of something new? Will i stand tall and become a legend. these two extreme situations may vary well happen, but I think I will start somewhere in the middle.
That is all for now,
Young one
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